Thursday, May 25, 2006

journal update #3 -- almost there!

Just finished entering the last poem this morning. I have a couple more housekeeping things to do before I send out e-mails and instructions as to how to view your page. You'll have a chance to e-mail me with corrections before the issue is made public.

I'm still waiting for a few of you to forward your contributor's note and/or links you want included. Please do so when you get the chance.

I would like to see a show of hands as to how many of you would be interested and able to participate in an inaugural issue launch reading. I've counted and there are at least nine of you within driving distance -- I think. Now, unfortunately, I can't pay anyone, and I have no budget for travel expenses as of right now. But if you live elsewhere and will be in Southern California at all this summer, please speak up and I'll try to schedule the reading around that.

Thanks again to everyone who submitted. As soon as I get this first issue up I will be officially reading submissions for issue #2 -- see submission guidelines on the website for more details.

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